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R. Buckminster Fuller

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R. Buckminster Fuller
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R. Buckminster Fuller

1895 - 1983
BiographyAmerican architect and inventor. He was known as ‘the Wizard of the Dome’ (Rosen, 1969) because of the phenomenal success of his geodesic domes, of which more than 250,000 have been built all over the world. Fuller broached the principal social and environmental problems of the 20th century and linked the ideas of a fertile mind with a mathematical and engineering bent to the drive of a man of action in implementing and disseminating them. His work ranged from the invention of dynamic map projections, through designs for mass-housing compatible with industrial production methods, to new structural systems for building domes of almost any conceivable diameter—viable economical systems of space-enclosure capable of execution by unskilled labour. In addition he was a mystic and man of letters, distinguished enough to be appointed Charles Elliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (1962).

[Oxford Art Online, Accessed May 11, 2015, ]
Person TypeIndividual